Title :EMMFF V. 1.0 Keywords :XEDS,EELS,AES,WDS,CLS,GAM,XRF,PES Computer :IBM, MAC, DEC Operating System :ALL Programming Language :Fortran 77 Hardware Requirements :None Author(s) :EMSA/MAS TASK FORCE Ray Egerton ,Charles E. Fiori ,John A. Hunt, Mike S. Isaacson,Earl J. Kirkland ,Nestor J. Zaluzec Correspondence Address :R.F. EGERTON-CHAIRMAN University of Alberta Dept. of Physics Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G2J1 Documentation: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EMSA/MAS STANDARD FILE FORMAT FOR SPECTRAL DATA EXCHANGE EMSA/MAS Task Force: Ray Egerton - Chairman University of Alberta Department of Physics Alberta, Canada, Charles E. Fiori Department of Chemistry National Institute for Science and Technology Gaithersburg, MD 20899 John A. Hunt Department of Materials Science Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA 18015-3195 Mike S. Isaacson, Earl J. Kirkland Department of Applied Physics 212 Clark Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 Nestor J. Zaluzec Materials Science Division -212 Electron Microscopy Center for Materials Research Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, IL 60439 Implementation Date October 1, 1991 Abstract A simple format for the exchange of digital spectral data is presented, and has been designated as an EMSA/MAS standard. This format is readable by both humans and computers and is suitable for transmission through various electronic networks (BITNET, ARPANET), the phone system (with modems) or on physical computer storage devices (such as floppy disks). The format is not tied to any one computer, programming language or computer operating system. The adoption of a standard format would enable different laboratories to freely exchange spectral data, and would help to standarize data analysis software. If equipment manufacturers were to support a common format, the microscopy and microanalysis community would avoid duplicated effort in writing data- analysis software. 1.INTRODUCTION The virtues of a single standard data format have been admirably related by various authors [1], [2], [3], [4]. It would often be convenient, after visiting another laboratory to use a different type of microanalytical spectrometer, to be able to return to one's own laboratory to analyze the data, or for a laboratory to be able to send a spectrum to another group at another location for analysis on their computer. A common format would also enable test spectra to be transported between data acquisition systems, in order to compare different data-analysis routines, and would give users greater choice of analysis procedure, based on commercial or public-domain software. Obviously, an ideal solution would be for the manufacturers to represent data in a standard format, but they are unlikely to agree on this without some direction from their customers (the microanalysis community). Therefore it is highly desirable for EMSA and MAS to proceed with adoption of a standard format. Such a format does not preclude any research group or manufacturer from having their own, possibly proprietary, format. Spectral data can be stored internally in any format, as long as there is an option to convert it to the external standard (and vice versa) for the purposes of exchange. We believe that a standard format should poses the following attributes. 1.It should be capable of representing the data exactly (without altering the scientific content). 2.The format should be simple and easy to use. 3.It must NOT be tied to any particular computer, programming language or operating system. It should work on a large number of computers of all sizes, although we cannot guarantee that it will work on all possible computers. 4.The format should be both human and machine (computer) readable. 5.It should be compatible with existing electronic communication networks such as (but not necessarily limited to) BITNET, ARPANET, and with the phone system (using modems). Future networks will likely retain compatibility with these. 6.The format should support spectra of interest to the EMSA/MAS community (such as XEDS, EELS, AES, etc.) and should be flexible enough to accommodate future data sets, not yet specified. 7.Each file should contain enough information to uniquely identify the type and origin of the spectral data and to reconstruct its significance. 8.Where possible, the format should be compatible with various commercial data plotting or analysis programs (i.e. spreadsheets, or graphical analysis packages). 9.The proposed format need not be the most efficient storage mechanism. Its primary goals, stated above, will generally prevent storage efficiency. If anything, this format will err on the side of simplicity and ease of use. The format originally employed by the Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis Public Domain Library (EMMPDL) at Argonne [1] has the virtue of simplicity, but is too rigid for general use. A recent revision [5] corrected some inadequacies, but a more serious reexamination is in order. The format proposed by a previous EMSA Task Force [3,4] addresses many of the problems but is thought by some microscopists to be too complicated for everyday use. The VMAS format, whose description [6] runs to 60 pages, is also too complex for our perceived purpose. A format, named JCAMP-DX, used by the infrared spectroscopy community [2] is specific and detailed but is somewhat off- target for the spectroscopies of interest to our community. The format proposed here follows JCAMP-DX in many ways, but is less complicated and has features tailored to x-ray, energy-loss and Auger spectroscopies. We circulated a preliminary version of this proposal to several manufacturers of XEDS systems and have received back comments and suggestions, many of which have been incorporated into this document. The companion problem of a standard format for digital image storage is similar to that of spectral data, but is sufficiently different to warrant its own standard. Whereas most spectra are sufficiently compact that they can be stored in a human-readable form, image data are usually so extensive as to require storage of 'raw' binary numbers. There exist formats for image storage that are in widespread use. One of these (probably TIFF) should be endorsed by EMSA and MAS, allowing the microanalysis community to take advantage of the large amount of commercial and public-domain software already available. 2.FORMAT DESCRIPTION The general structure of the data file format can be summarized as a simple sequential ASCII (text) file. It begins with a series of header lines which serve to define the characteristics of the spectrum. These header lines are identified by unique keyword fields which occupy the first 15 positions of each line, followed by a data field. These are described in detail below. After the header lines, a keyword indicates the start of data, the data then follows on successive lines in a manner which is defined explicitly within the header. Finally after all the data is presented, an end of data keyword indicates the data set is complete. This is diagramatically illustrated below. Header Lines * * Successive lines begining with EMSA/MAS defined keywords Some of which are required and some are optional * * Start of Data Keyword * * Experimental Data * * End of Data Keyword In general, each line of the file either contains a keyword and its associated value or spectral data. All header lines are readily identified as they each begin with '#'in the first character field or column. This symbol demarks the start of a 13 character keyword field, providing descriptive information about the data followed by an associated value. EMSA/MAS defined keywords (whose definition may be changed only by EMSA/MAS ) begin with a single # and occupy the first 13 columns (characters) of each header line. The keyword itself consists of at most twelve characters which directly follow the #, shorter keywords may be employed and any remaining spaces following the defined keyword may be filled with descriptive text such as unit designation for ease of legibility when the file is printed (see examples in Tables 1 and 2). If a position in the keyword field is not used it must be filled with a space character. The keywords are not case-sensitive, so that #Xunits is interpreted the same as #XUNITS. The 14th and 15th character positions (columns) in each header line are occupied by keyword/value field separators, which consist of a colon followed by a space. The value associated with each keyword starts in column 16 and maybe either textual or numeric as defined by the keyword. Each line of the file may contain no more than 79 characters (for compatibility with the largest number of computers and computer networks, and for general legibility on standard width CRT screens). Since the keyword and its seperator occupies the first 15 positions, this means that all remaining information following the keyword is limited to a maximum of 64 (=79-15) character positions. The end of line indicator is a carriage return, linefeed combination (). The only characters allowed in the file are the space (ASCII character 32), carriage return (ASCII character 13) and linefeed (ASCII character 10) characters, plus the printable ASCII character set given below: !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? @ (ASCII characters 33 - 64) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (ASCII characters 65 - 90) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (ASCII characters 97 - 122) [\] `{|}~ (ASCII characters 91 - 96,ASCII 123-126) Horizontal TAB characters are NOT permitted in this file format as a substitute for spaces or commas. Examples of keywords, seperators and data can be found in Tables 1 and 2, and are further detailed below. 2.1 REQUIRED KEYWORDS The following keywords are required and must appear at the beginning of the file, in the order specified below. Although some of these may appear arbitrary, it is our judgment that they fulfil a long-term need. After several years of students and outside users passing through a laboratory, the result can be a vast number of data files of unknown origin. Unless some adequate form of labelling is imposed from the start, many worthwhile data files are lost and useless data sits on a disk taking up valuable space. With the following minimum subset of keywords, it should be possible to reconstruct the significance of most spectra. Note that there must be exactly one of each required keyword, except for the keyword #TITLE which must appear at least once but may at the users decision appear more than once to provide an extended length title. Required Keywords ---------------------- #FORMAT = Character string identifies this format as "EMSA/MAS Spectral Data File" #VERSION = File Format Version Number (1.0 for this implementation) #TITLE = Gives a short description of the spectra One or more per file. Max = 64 Characters #DATE = The calendar day-month-year in which the spectra was recorded, in the form: DD-MMM-YYYY. #TIME = The time of day at which the spectrum was recorded,in 24-hour format: HH:MM. #OWNER = The name of the person who recorded the spectrum. #NPOINTS = Total Number of Data Points in X&Y Data Arrays 1. < NPOINTS < 4096. #NCOLUMNS = Number of columns of data 1. < NCOLUMNS < 5. when DATATYPE = Y 1. < NCOLUMNS < 3. when DATATYPE = XY #XUNITS = Units for x-axis data, for example: eV. #YUNITS = Units for y-axis data, for example: counts. #DATATYPE = Method in which the data values are stored as Y Axis only values or X,Y data pairs. The current options are the characters Y and XY. #XPERCHAN = The number of x-axis units per channel. #OFFSET = A real (but possibly negative) number representing value of channel one in xunits #SPECTRUM = Indicates the next line starts the spectral data #ENDOFDATA = Indicates the end of the data file 2.2 SPECTRAL DATA The spectral data must be enclosed between the following keywords: #SPECTRUM : Signifies the beginning of spectral data (on the next line). #ENDOFDATA : Signifies the end of spectral data. Between these keywords, the spectrum is listed in one of two ways, as specified by the #DATATYPE value. In the case of spectra with equally-spaced x-values (equal increments per channel), up to #NCOLUMNS y-values may be given per line. For Y-axis datatype 1 < #NCOLUMNS < 5. Each y-value is either a real number (containing a decimal point, even if there is no fractional component) or is expressed in exponential form (e.g. 3.142E+3), and is followed immediately by a comma. The corresponding x-values can be obtained from the specified values of #XPERCHAN and #OFFSET or #CHOFFSET. If the user prefers, data may be stored as (x,y) pairs of data points, at #NCOLUMNS per line. For XY-axis datatype 1 < #NCOLUMNS < 3. The x- and y-values are expressed as real numbers or in exponential format, and are separated with a comma. The (x,y) pairs themselves are separated by a comma followed by at least one blank space. The reason for avoiding the use of integer numbers is that in some instances decimal values are generated, for example if energy- loss spectra have been scaled for normalization or to remove a gain change. If necessary the decimal point and the comma can be removed with a text editor (using a global replace) to give integer values, whereas the reverse process may not be straightforward. Numbers less than unity can be represented either with or without a zero preceding the decimal point (e.g. 0.1 or .1). In the case of negative numbers, there should be no spaces between the minus sign and the numerical value. We recommend that there should be no trailing spaces after a number (preceding the comma). The (x,y) option has been included to accommodate segmented spectra, containing gaps where y-data are not specified, and to allow for the possibility that the x-axis scale is nonlinear. In addition, it makes the data compatible with most general-purpose graph-plotting software packages. In some future version of the format, this option could be extended by the addition of x and y spatial coordinates, to allow for x-ray maps or energy-selected images, but more a compact representation based on a TIFF standard might be more attractive. 2.3 OPTIONAL KEYWORDS All optional keywords except #CHECKSUM must appear before the keyword #SPECTRUM and after #CHOFFSET. If used, the check-sum value should be the last line in the file and is the integer summation of all characters in the file, excluding the last line containing the checksum itself, and excluding any trailing spaces after the line terminator. This option is provided to test the integrity of data transmission and/or storage. With one exception, the keywords listed below require the user to specify an associated value as a real number (with a decimal point and not more than 20 characters in length, including the decimal point) or as an ASCII character string < 64 characters long. The exception is #CHECKSUM, which requires a signed integer value. For ease of classification we have grouped the optional keywords in order of their function, thus keywords dealing with the spectrum, type of spectroscopy, specimen are presented together in the following listing. This grouping is not required within the file format, however, it is strongly recommended. In the keyword list below the abbreviation [RN] means the keyword is a real number while [nCS] indicates a character string of n characters. Keywords relating mainly to Spectrum Characteristics ----------------------------------------------------------------- #SIGNALTYPE = Type of Spectroscopy, allowed values are [3CS]: EDS = Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy WDS = Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy ELS = Energy Loss Spectroscopy AES = Auger Electron Spectroscopy PES = Photo Electron Spectroscopy XRF = X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy CLS = Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy GAM = Gamma Ray Spectroscopy #XUNITS = X-Axis Data units [64CS] #YUNITS = Y-Axis Data units [64CS] #XLABEL = X-Axis Data label [64CS] #YLABEL = Y-Axis Data label [64CS] #CHOFFSET = A real (but possibly negative) number representing the channel number whose value corresonds to zero units on the x-axis scale. #COMMENT = Comment line [64CS] The comment keyword may be repeated as often as desired within header lines of the file. Keywords relating mainly to Microscope/Instrument --------------------------------------------------- #BEAMKV = Accelerating Voltage of Instrument in kilovolts [RN] #EMISSION = Gun Emission current in microAmps [RN] #PROBECUR = Probe current in nanoAmps [RN] #BEAMDIAM = Diameter of incident probe in nanometers [RN] #MAGCAM = Magnification or Camera Length [RN] Mag in x or times, Cl in mm #CONVANGLE = Convergence semi-angle of incident beam in milliRadians [RN] #OPERMODE = Operating Mode, allowed values are [5CS]: IMAGE = Imaging Mode DIFFR = Diffraction Mode SCIMG = Scanning Imaging Mode SCDIF = Scanning Diffraction Mode Keywords relating mainly to Specimen ----------------------------------------- #THICKNESS = Specimen thickness in nanometers [RN] #XTILTSTGE = Specimen stage tilt X-axis in degrees [RN] #YTILTSTGE = Specimen stage tilt Y-axis in degrees [RN] #XPOSITION = Specimen/Beam position along the X axis [RN] #YPOSITION = Specimen/Beam position along the Y axis [RN] #ZPOSITION = Specimen/Beam position along the Z axis [RN] Keywords relating mainly to ELS ----------------------------------- #DWELLTIME = Dwell time/channel for serial data collection in msec [RN] #INTEGTIME = Integration time per spectrum for parallel data collection in milliseconds [RN] #COLLANGLE = Collection semi-angle of scattered beam in mR [RN] #ELSDET = Type of ELS Detector, allowed values are [6CS]: SERIAL = Serial ELS Detector PARALL = Parallel ELS Detector Keywords relating mainly to EDS ---------------------------------- #ELEVANGLE = Elevation angle of EDS,WDS detector in degrees [RN] #AZIMANGLE = Azimuthal angle of EDS,WDS detector in degrees [RN] #SOLIDANGLE = Collection solid angle of detector in sR [RN] #LIVETIME = Signal Processor Active (Live) time in seconds [RN] #REALTIME = Total clock time used to record the spectrum in seconds [RN] #TBEWIND = Thickness of Be Window on detector in cm [RN] #TAUWIND = Thickness of Au Window/Electrical Contact in cm [RN] #TDEADLYR = Thickness of Dead Layer in cm [RN] #TACTLYR = Thickness of Active Layer in cm [RN] #TALWIND = Thickness of Aluminium Window in cm [RN] #TPYWIND = Thickness of Pyrolene Window in cm [RN] #TBNWIND = Thickness of Boron-Nitride Window in cm [RN] #TDIWIND = Thickness of Diamond Window in cm [RN] #THCWIND = Thickness of HydroCarbon Window in cm [RN] #EDSDET = Type of X-ray Detector, Allowed values are [5CS]: SIBEW = Si(Li) with Be Window SIUTW = Si(Li) with Ultra Thin Window SIWLS = Si(Li) Windowless GEBEW = Ge with Be Window GEUTW = Ge with Ultra Thin Window GEWLS = Ge Windowless #CHECKSUM = 32 BIT INTEGER NUMBER The #CHECKSUM optional keyword and values is used to test for data transmission errors in the file. The check sum is calculated by adding the ASCII values of all characters in the file, including spaces and line terminators. Trailing blanks (on each line) and the last line containing the checksum itself are excluded from this sum. If the calculated checksum agrees with that stored in the data file, the user can be reasonably sure that data set has been faithfully transmitted. Optional user-defined keywords may be also included within the header of the data file. These keywords must begin with the double ## sign and follow all EMSA/MAS defined keywords, except for the start of data #SPECTRUM keyword.All field restrictions as outlined above apply to user-defined keywords and their values. These user defined allow for expansion of this file structure to cover items that have not yet been explicitly defined by the EMSA/MAS Task Force. 2.4 ENDING A FILE The last line of every file should be either an #ENDOFDATA or a #CHECKSUM line. The #ENDOFDATA keyword must immediately follow the spectral data, if present the #CHECKSUM keyword must follow the #ENDOFDATA keyword. 3.EXAMPLE OF A DATA FILE IN THE EMSA SPECTRAL FORMAT The following examples show spectral files the minimum-required keyword information. Table 1 shows an ELS data set using the x,y pair data format, while Table 2 shows and EDS data set using y axis data only. TABLE 1. Example of a single column X,Y Data Set ==================================================================== #FORMAT : EMSA/MAS Spectral Data File #VERSION : 1.0 #TITLE : NIO EELS OK SHELL #DATE : 01-OCT-1991 #TIME : 12:00 #OWNER : EMSA/MAS TASK FORCE #NPOINTS : 20. #NCOLUMNS : 1. #XUNITS : Energy Loss (eV) #YUNITS : Intensity #DATATYPE : XY #XPERCHAN : 3.1 #OFFSET : 520.13 #CHOFFSET : -168 #SIGNALTYPE : ELS #XLABEL : Energy #YLABEL : Counts #BEAMKV -kV: 120.0 #EMISSION -uA: 5.5 #PROBECUR -nA: 12.345 #BEAMDIAM -nm: 100.0 #MAGCAM : 100. #CONVANGLE-mR: 1.5 #COLLANGLE-mR: 3.4 #OPERMODE : IMAG #THICKNESS-nm: 50. #DWELLTIME-ms: 100. #ELSDET : SERIAL #SPECTRUM : Spectral Data Starts Here 520.13, 4066.0 523.22, 3996.0 526.32, 3932.0 529.42, 3923.0 532.51, 5602.0 535.61, 5288.0 538.70, 7234.0 541.80, 7809.0 544.90, 4710.0 547.99, 5015.0 551.09, 4366.0 554.18, 4524.0 557.28, 4832.0 560.38, 5474.0 563.47, 5718.0 565.79, 5034.0 568.89, 4651.0 571.99, 4613.0 574.31, 4637.0 577.40, 4429.0 580.50, 4217.0 #ENDOFDATA : ===================================================================== TABLE 2. Example of a 5 Column Y-Axis only Data Set ==================================================================== #FORMAT : EMSA/MAS SPECTRAL DATA STANDARD #VERSION : 1.0 #TITLE : NIO Windowless Spectra OK NiL #DATE : 01-OCT-1991 #TIME : 12:00 #OWNER : EMSA/MAS TASK FORCE #NPOINTS : 80. #NCOLUMNS : 5. #XUNITS : Energy (eV) #YUNITS : Intensity #DATATYPE : Y #XPERCHAN : 10. #OFFSET : 200. #CHOFFSET : -20. #SIGNALTYPE : EDS #XLABEL : X-RAY ENERGY #YLABEL : X-RAY INTENSITY #BEAMKV -kV: 120.0 #EMISSION -uA: 5.5 #PROBECUR -nA: 12.345 #BEAMDIAM -nm: 100.0 #MAGCAM : 100 #OPERMODE : IMAG #THICKNESS-nm: 50 #XTILTSTGE-dg: 45. #YTILTSTGE-dg: 20. #XPOSITION : 123. #YPOSITION : 456. #ZPOSITION : 000 #ELEVANGLE-dg: 20. #AZIMANGLE-dg: 90. #SOLIDANGL-sR: 0.13 #LIVETIME -s: 100. #REALTIME -s: 150. #TBEWIND -cm: 0.00 #TAUWIND -cm: 2.0 E-06 #TDEADLYR -cm: 1.0 E-06 #TACTLYR -cm: 0.3 #EDSDET : SIWLS #COMMENT : The next two lines are User Defined Keywords and values ##ALPHA-1 : 3.1415926535 ##RESTMASS : 511.030 #SPECTRUM : DATA BEGINS HERE 65.820, 67.872, 65.626, 68.762, 71.395, 74.996, 78.132, 78.055, 77.861, 84.598, 83.088, 85.372, 89.786, 93.464, 93.387, 97.452, 109.96, 111.08, 119.64, 128.77, 138.38, 152.35, 176.01, 192.12, 222.12, 254.22, 281.55, 328.33, 348.92, 375.33, 385.51, 389.54, 378.77, 353.80, 328.91, 290.07, 246.09, 202.73, 176.47, 137.64, 119.56, 106.40, 92.496, 96.213, 94.664, 101.13, 114.57, 118.82, 131.68, 145.04, 165.44, 187.51, 207.49, 238.04, 269.71, 301.46, 348.65, 409.36, 475.30, 554.51, 631.64, 715.19, 793.44, 847.99, 872.97, 862.59, 834.87, 778.49, 688.63, 599.39, 495.39, 403.48, 312.88, 237.34, 184.14, 129.86, 101.59, 80.107, 58.657, 49.442, #ENDOFDATA : ==================================================================== 4. EXAMPLES OF READ AND WRITE ROUTINES Examples of a program (EMSAMASFF) and subroutines (RDEMSAMAS, WREMSAMAS) which utilize this format are available to all interested parties. They may be downloaded from either the EMMPDL or the EMSA/MAS BBS, information on accessing these is given in Tables 3 and 4 as well as articles in this issue of the EMSA Bulletin (In the Computer Corner, and EMSA/MAS BBS Instruction Manual) . Alternatively, they may also be obtained from the EMSA/MAS Task Force Chairman, R.F. Egerton. Table 3 EMMPDL Telecommunications Protocol ---------------------------------- Communication Lines: 300,1200-9600 Baud 8 data _& 1 stop bit, no parity Modem Protocol : Hayes Smartmodem 1200, Bell 212A orcompatible Transfer Protocol : Downloading using XON/XOFF ASCII transfer handshaking or by error-checking using KERMIT BITNET Electronic Mail Charges : None, except for your own phone bill. Lines/Times : Two Lines/24 Hours Per Day Phone Number : 708-972-7919 (300-1200 Baud) : 708-972-7918 (1200-9600 Baud) Login Sequence : Username = EMMPDL Password = EMMPDL Electronic Mail : ZALUZEC at ANLEMC.Bitnet Table 4 EMSA/MAS BBS Telecommunications Protocol ---------------------------------- Communication Lines: 1200-2400 Baud 8 data _& 1 stop bit, no parity Modem Protocol : Hayes Smartmodem 1200, Bell 212A or compatible Transfer Protocol : Downloading using XON/XOFF ASCII transfer handshaking or by error-checking using X,Y,Zmodem Charges : None Lines/Times : One Lines/24 Hours Per Day Phone Number : 800-627-3672 (1200-2400 Baud) : 800-MAS-EMSA : 708-972-7917 (Commerical Number for EMSA/MAS BBS) Login Sequence : Username = Your Own Name Password = Your Own Password REFERENCES [1]N.J. Zaluzec, `In the Computer Corner', EMSA Bulletin 17::1 (1987) p.93-94, and 'RWEMMPDL Abstract', EMSA Bulletin 17::2 (Nov 1987) p.92. [2]R.S. McDonald and P.A. Wilks, `JCAMP-DX: A Standard for Exchange of Infrared Spectra in Computer Readable Form', Applied Spectroscopy 42 (1988) p.151-162. [3]C. Lyman, `Task Force Committee Report', EMSA Bulletin 19 (1989) p.97-100. [4]J.A. Hunt and C.E. Fiori, `A Proposed EMSA/MAS Data Format for the Transfer of Spectra', EMSA Bulletin 19 (1989) p.100-105. [5]N.J. Zaluzec, `RWEMMPDL-VERSION 1.1 Abstract', EMSA Bulletin 19 (1989) p.114. [6] W.A. Dench, L.B. Hazel, M.P Seah, and the VMAS Community, 'VMAS Surface Chemical Analysis Standard Data Transfer Format with Skeleton Decoding Programs', Surface and Interface Analysis, 13 (1988) p.63-122. ============================================================= COMPILATION, LINKING AND TESTING PROCEDURE ============================================================= The following procedure can be used to compile EMMFF using IBM Professional Fortran Compiler by Ryan-McFarland Corp (1984) C:>PROFORT EMMFF.SRC/L>EMMFF.LST C:>LINK EMMFF The following is a partial example of the I/O for EMMFF at the present time all I/O options of the program will not be demonstrated below. Using EMMFF you may: 1.) Read an EMSA/MAS File 2.) Write an EMSA/MAS File 3.) Read and/or Edit (Modify) a System Parameters File which contains defaults for your Spectroscopy system 4.) Translate EMMPDL files into EMSA/MAS files ========================================================= THE FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL SCREEN CAPTURE OF THE EMMFF PROGRAM RUNNING ON AN IBM PC AT ========================================================= C:\>EMMFF ************************************* * * * EMSA / MAS File Format Program * * Version Number : 1.00 * * October 1991 * * * ************************************* Chooze option by typing indicated character then a ---------------------------------------------------------- R = Read an EMSA/MAS Spectral Data File W = Write an EMSA/MAS Spectral Data File M = Modify System or File Parameters S = Read a System Parameters File T = Translate a NonEMSA/MAS Spectral Data File Q = Quit this Program Select Option: [R,W,M,S,T,Q] ?=> R Enter name of file [DEV:NAME.EXT]=> NIO.TXT FORMAT : EMSA/MAS SPECTRAL DATA STANDARD VERSION : 1.00000 TITLE : NIO EELS OK SHELL AND NI L SHELL DATE : 01-OCT-1991 TIME : 12:00 OWNER : EMSA/MAS TASK FORCE NPOINTS : 10.0000 NCOLUMNS : 1.00000 XUNITS : Energy Loss (eV) YUNITS : Intensity DATATYPE : Y XPERCHAN : 2.50000 OFFSET : 40.5780 CHOFFSET : 100.000 SIGNALTYPE : ELS XLABEL : xlabel YLABEL : ylabel BEAMKV -kV: 120.000 EMISSION -uA: 5.50000 PROBECUR -nA: 12.3450 BEAMDIAM -nm: 100.000 MAGCAM : 100.000 CONVANGLE-mR: 15.0000 COLLANGLE-mR: 3.40000 OPERMODE : IMAG THICKNESS-nm: 50.0000 XTILTSTAGE : 45.0000 YTILTSTAGE : 20.0000 XPOSITION : 123.000 YPOSITION : 456.000 ZPOSITION : 0.000000E+00 DWELLTIME-ms: 100.000 INTEGTIME-ms: 100.000 ELSDET : Serial ELEVANGLE : 20.0000 AZIMANGLE : 90.0000 SOLIDANGL-sR: 0.130000 LIVETIME -s: 100.000 REALTIME -s: 150.000 TBEWIND -cm: 0.800000E-03 TAUWIND -cm: 0.200000E-05 TDEADLYR -cm: 0.100000E-05 TACTLYR -cm: 0.300000 TALWIND -cm: 0.100000E-05 TPYWIND -cm: 0.100000E-05 TBNWIND -cm: 0.000000E-00 TDIWIND -cm: 0.000000E+00 THCWIND -cm: 0.000000E+00 EDSDET : SIBEW SPECTRUM : Spectral Data Starts Here ==============Reading Spectral Data============== ENDOFDATA : ==============Data Input Complete============== Do you want to print the data on your screen [Y,N]?=>Y 43.078 1.10000 45.578 22.2000 48.078 333.300 50.578 4444.40 53.078 55555.5 55.578 666667. 58.078 0.777778E+07 60.578 0.888889E+08 63.078 0.100000E+10 65.578 0.100000E+10 Chooze option by typing indicated character then a ---------------------------------------------------------- R = Read an EMSA/MAS Spectral Data File W = Write an EMSA/MAS Spectral Data File M = Modify System or File Parameters S = Read a System Parameters File T = Translate a NonEMSA/MAS Spectral Data File Q = Quit this Program Select Option: [R,W,M,S,T,Q] ?=> Q Quiting Program: EMSA/MAS File Format Committee ============================== Ray F. Egerton------University of Alberta -Chairman Charles E. Fiori----Nat. Inst. for Science & Technology John A. Hunt--------Lehigh University Michael S. Isaacson-Cornell University Earl J. Kirkland----Cornell University Nestor J. Zaluzec---Argonne National Laboratory Execution terminated : 0 C:\> ============================================================ END OF DOCUMENTATION FILE